MauKat Money school is coming soon

Learn all the things they should have taught you in high school, and I am not talking about balancing a checkbook or doing your tax return.

Learn about how money works.

  What is money? How to analyze a business opportunity. Should you have a retirement account? How do investments work. What’s the real difference between a stock and a bond?  Is Crypto real? Should you buy BitCoin?

Learn How To Use Debt

Should you pay off your mortgage? Is all credit card debt bad? Should you Snowball or Avalanche? What is leverage? Do you have to have a perfect credit score? Can you really buy a property with no money down? Should you buy or lease your cars…or pay all cash? What should you do with your student loans?

Learn How To Tax Advantage of The US Tax Code

Can you really buy a G-Wagon and write the whole thing off?  Should I be afraid of the IRS? Why you need to have a business. Can you really write off your rent or your mortgage? Is it possible to live tax free?

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Why MauKat?

For me, naming has always been difficult. I am still surprised that all my children have names! My dogs have been named Dog, my cats…

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