Success As You

Success As YouSuccess As You

This is my tagline.

It has become a very important to me.  It is my mantra. It is my goal.

For many years I tried to be successful as someone else.  I was always concerned with “What will other people think?” Even down to the very smallest details.

I work in accounting. I do taxes.  People have an idea about how they want their tax accountant to be.  At least I thought people had a certain way they wanted their tax accountant to be.  I tried to be that person for them. Skirts and suits and being serious. Very professional.  I did OK.  But I always had that underlying stress.   Trying to be who you are not is very  tiring.

Same thing for blog writing.  I like to write on my blog. But I never did. Why? Because I worried that I wasn’t doing it “right”.  My posts were too short, my posts were too long.  I needed to have pictures, quotes, and keywords.  Do it this way, no do it that way.  What if I did something wrong? And then there are the grammar police, and the spelling police. They are going to have a fun with me.  (Go ahead, tell me that I am not writing right! I am OK with that now!)

A little while ago I decided to change all that. I decided to just be me.  Success would happen or it wouldn’t. But at least I would be true to myself.

Success is happening. It turns out that when you are genuine with people, they want to work with you.   Now I get lots of comments about how “you are not like other accountants!”  People say this with smile on their faces while they refer me to their friends.

I know that blogging will be easier. I will push “publish” on this post.  You will like it, or you will not. But this is me, this is how I write, these are my thoughts.

What about you? Do you try to be someone who you are not?  Are you trying to fit into the mold of who you think others want you to be?


Be yourself.  Let others know how wonderful the true you is.

You can have Success As You.

~Peace, Love and Happiness~



One Comment

  1. Awesome thoughts. Being you looks good on you!